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Code khu-cv-ths-89-47378
كد دانشگاه یا سازمان
نام دانشگاه یا سازمان
عنوان انگلیسی The Comparison of the Mechanisms of change of MeST and COMET(computerized based) on the psychopathological aspects, rumination, and adherence in caregivers of children with cancer according to the role of, autobiographical memory, cognitive control, and emotion regulation
عنوان فارسی The Comparison of the Mechanisms of change of MeST and COMET(computerized based) on the psychopathological aspects, rumination, and adherence in caregivers of children with cancer according to the role of, autobiographical memory, cognitive control, and emotion regulation
Year 0
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شماره بازیابی irandoc
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