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Code khu-cv-ths-91-15282
كد دانشگاه یا سازمان
نام دانشگاه یا سازمان
عنوان انگلیسی Structural Relationships for predicting the Delinquent Behavior of Delinquent Adolescents of 12-18 Years Based on the Temperament and Characteristics of the Personality and Anger Experience and Expressed Due to the Mediating Role of the Protected Support and Parenting Style
عنوان فارسی Structural Relationships for predicting the Delinquent Behavior of Delinquent Adolescents of 12-18 Years Based on the Temperament and Characteristics of the Personality and Anger Experience and Expressed Due to the Mediating Role of the Protected Support and Parenting Style
Year 0
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